Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fourth of July!*!*!*

Watching the parade!
Probably my favorite float in the parade

Playing in the fountain at the park
Maleah loved waving hi to the frogs on the fountain..

great grandma eating her cotton candy with a fork! classic!
Watching fireworks on grandpa's shoulders

The fourth is a big holiday in our family, as well as a very LOOOOOOOONG busy day. We always start the morning out with the Freedom Festival parade downtown Provo, thanks to the youngsters who stay overnight to hold all us old folks a spot on the street :) After the parade we head down to a gorgeous private park reserved for us and all our relatives and just BBQ and socialize for the afternoon... then we head down to my side of the family and eat yet again (nothin like 2 bbq's in the same day!) and play some games. Fireworks come it's a miracle if we watch them peacefully without chasing a whiny, screaming toddler who just wants to go to bed! (maybe that's why I have no pictures of us and the fireworks...) Over all, it's always a blast and look forward to the next big 4th! And don't forget 3 cheers for Kristi not getting hauled down to the station in handcuffs this fourth of july....things are looking up ;)

1 comment:

tHe GrAy Fam said...

hip hip hooray!! No jail time for 'the criminal/bee keeper/drink spiller/mirror climping spider killer...' happy 4th!! Maleah is adorable.. the first picture says it all!!